The Perfect Vegan Strawberry Smoothie To Start The Day

vegan strawberry smoothie recipe
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Strawberries have some seriously magical health benefits!

Did you know that they are a powerhouse of vitamin c, manganese, vitamin b9 packed folate and potassium?

Not only are these little lumps of joy completely delicious but they also can:

  1. Keep You Regular. Yep that means regular trips to the bathroom 😉 Strawberries are high in fiber which plays a key role in feeding the good bacteria in our gut. 1 cup of strawberries contains 3 grams of gut loving fiber!
  2. Can Boost Your Immune System. When cold and flu season comes a knocking, increasing your vitamin c intake can help strengthen your system. You can get your daily requirement of vitamin c in just one cup of sliced strawberries!
  3. Can Help You Lose Weight. Due to the fact that strawberries are high fiber, this delectable fruit leaves you feeling full and can help halt cravings. Plus there is only about 50 calories in a whole cup of strawberries. YASSS!

    Yes they are pretty amazing aren’t they! All hail the mighty strawberry! Now without further educational stalling— here is a simple recipe you can add to your morning routine! Enjoy!